About This Blog

Writing often feels like the means to an end - a task that must be completed to achieve something greater. Recently, I have wondered if I cannot write simply because it is enjoyable and some small nagging voice in my head tells me I can become good at it.

So, welcome to my blog - my sliver of the web where I will be meddling in the art of writing and (hopefully) honing this skill as I write...whatever I feel like writing I suppose.  

I'm Jack, a 26 year old Scot living in Ireland. Currently, I work as a Junior Consultant at the global sustainability consultancy Anthesis Group. My interest in sustainability and climate change related issues go beyond my day job though, and I have already begun speculating on what articles could be written for those interested in such topics.

However, you would be mistaken if you thought that would be the extent of the subject matter. Gaming, self-development, nature, science and (if I'm feeling contemplative) philosophy are all topics contending for discussion.

Should any of this strike your interest, feel free to stick around. I hope you find something that you enjoy here.