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It's been a while since I have done any creating, whether it be posting articles on my blog or creating YouTube videos.

Recently, I've been having the itch to create again. But this time is different.

When I first started creating during the COVID-19 lockdown, it was largely due to a sudden abundance of extra time and boredom, but also a desire to change my situation.

With the desire to change my situation came pressure.

Pressure to chase numbers like viewers, subscribers and clickthrough rates. I was chasing an outcome.

This is rarely a good strategy, especially when getting started with something new.

In hindsight, this outcome-oriented view of my activities was sucking the joy out of everything that I was doing. Constantly comparing the reality of my situation to my expectation was draining, both to my motivation and my happiness.

It's different this time around. I'm coming back being aware of that trap, and with a more grounded perspective on what I want to achieve.

I am still setting goals for myself and measuring my progress and effort towards my goals, but my measures are now based on things that I can directly control.

For example, my goal for this week was to publish one blog article and one YouTube video.

This goal is:

  • Measurable - I know when it is completed
  • Under my direct control - it is not dependent on external factors that I have no control over, such as having a goal to get a certain number of views or subscribers
  • Time bound - I know when I want to achieve it. And imposing a deadline puts pressure on me to complete it

This goal is part of a larger project that I have planned out for the rest of the year to get me out of the rut that I have been in for a few weeks now.

For the first time in a little while I feel like I have some clarity on the vision I have for my future. And I am confident I make strides towards that for the next few months, one day at a time.

So, with that in mind, I plan on posting more blog articles and YouTube videos over the coming weeks and months.

I'll be covering what goals I've set and why, the projects I've created for myself to achieve those goals, and the processes I use to set all of this up.

If you want to stay up to date with all that you can subscribe to me on YouTube.

Or if you want updates even quicker, then subscribe to my blog newsletter.

Have a great day friends.